We have a wide catalog of Promotional USB Drives for Mexico. If you are looking for cheap Promotional USB to buy with shipments to Mexico, we have an extensive wholesale catalog of Promotional USB.
From our factory in China we can attend to your requests since we have a customer service department to serve you in your language. We offer the most original and economical promotional USB sticks in various capacities.
We have materials such as wood, metal, plastic, bracelets and personalized usb memories with logo figures and custom designs, shipments throughout Mexico
How to buy Promotional USB Flash Drives from Mexico?
The process is very simple since we have customer service that speaks your language and we can manufacture your order with cheap prices in our Chinese factory for direct shipments to Mexico.
Right now we explain the purchase process so that you do not have any doubts before placing your order.
Choose the model you want to quote and confirm the amount you need.
We make a digital test of that model with the logo that they have sent us.
They confirm this test and we start with the production of your order.
Once finished, we proceed with the shipment to Mexico with DHL or UPS companies. Also, if they have an account with them, they can use it to collect the order at our factory.
Once the order has been sent with DHL or UPS, they have to take into account the import costs of their country. Each country has different Taxes and you should ask custom Mexico before making the purchase.
What Promotional USBs Are the Most Purchased in Mexico?
Tradimark Limited is a Chinese factory specialized in providing totally customized promotional items, we ship USB Flash Drives in Mexico City, we supply orders to any part of the Mexican Republic, our main range of products are the following: Promotional USB Memory, USB Promotional, Wholesale USB flash drives.
The most purchased USb Pomocional Memory Models in Mexico are the CUSTOM USB MEMORIES:
High quality USB sticks, with a totally personalized design.
We can make your logo on a 3D shaped silicone USB with USB storage
Inside, it will conquer you! You can’t even imagine what it feels like to view your brand from three dimensions, not as a decorative item, but as an office tool for clients and even employees.
This wonderful gift is the best way to establish a brand and impress members of your company’s management!
Do you manufacture custom CUSTOM USB designs with 2d and 3d rubber shapes for Mexico?
Yes, we manufacture Pendrives and USB Memories with 2D and 3D shapes from only 50 units with shipments throughout Mexico.
You think so. We make your USB memory!
If you are excited about creativity and imagination and have great ideas, we can help you create a unique custom USB for your business. You can ask us for any shape, any product or any material, and we will do it for you! We will make a USB with 2D and 3D shapes for your company, and you will stand out from the competition because you will have a unique USB. The price is cheaper than you think, and it is manufactured and delivered in record time with shipments to all of Mexico!
Send us a drawing or draft
Do you already know something about USB stick in the way you want? Send us a paper draft or the image you need! We are not afraid of how complicated it is, we will! We will send you the formal design of the product appearance and only start production with your approval. If you have an idea but don’t know where to start, feel free to contact us and we will send you some examples from your industry to inspire you and give you inspiration.
Your logo, like you’ve never seen it before
We can make your logo on a 3D shaped silicone USB with USB storage Inside, it will win you over! You can’t even imagine what it feels like to view your brand from three dimensions, not as a decorative item, but as an office tool for clients and even employees. This wonderful gift is the best way to establish a brand and impress the members of your company’s management in Mexico!